Tony, from Pimp to Advocate Against Trafficking

Today we will be talking to Tony, who will be sharing openly about his life experience as a pimp and a drug dealer. He will be answering questions like what led him into this kind of lifestyle, why he decided to pursue it and later, leave it. He will be discussing issues that not many dare talk about. The story will bring hope into a context where there seems to be none. We will be linking in with him all the way from Nigeria.

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Interviewee:  Tony

Interviewer: Phinius Sebatsane

List of Acronyms: Tony, PS=Phinius Sebatsane



Hi friends and colleagues, welcome to our Free To Fly podcast. Free To Fly is a faith based organization that is fighting human trafficking. We are very excited to present to you one of our episodes brought by one of our hosts Phinius Sebatsane, where we will speak about topics around human trafficking. Today we will be talking to Tony, who will be sharing openly about his life experience as a pimp and a drug dealer. He will be answering questions like what led him into this kind of lifestyle, why he decided to pursue it and later, leave it. He will be discussing issues that not many dare talk about. The story will bring hope into a context where there seems to be none. We will be linking in with him all the way from Nigeria. The listener’s discretion is advised.



Sweet man, how are you my bro?



I’m fine and you?



I’m good, man. I’m good. Thank you for making the time to have this conversation with us. I won’t be mentioning your name, just to respect your privacy. Thank you for making the time. Finally we are having this conversation after a lot of hindrance last year. So thank you so much for having the time to have this conversation about human trafficking with us.



Okay, thank you. 



Just to introduce myself, everyone. My name is Phinius Sebatsane. I will be speaking with a brother from another country that I’ve known for couple of years. But now I have managed to reconnect with him so that we can talk about human trafficking, how it has affected him. So basically, this is going to be a conversation. It’s gonna be a back and forth kind of conversation where I’m asking him questions, giving a little bit of my insights when it comes to human trafficking. As we all know, this is a pandemic. This is a very big issue in the world right now, when it comes to women being trafficked, children being trafficked, men being trafficked, young boys being trafficked. And yeah, we’re gonna be talking about how to basically navigate around this issue of human trafficking. My brother has a lot of wisdom, a lot of knowledge around this topic, and we’ll also be hearing his personal story on how he came out of human trafficking, how he managed to do some stuff in South Africa to help organizations that work with people who are trafficked, especially men who have become pimps and using woman and exploiting woman in a way that they should not be exploited. So my brother, first of all, I just want you to basically just, you know, tell us the background story of who you are, how you got into, basically, you know, got trapped in this industry of, you know, women being exploited, young boys being exploited. Can you share your story with us briefly and then through that, I will be listening and ask you questions about your story. So, if you can start introducing yourself and telling us your background story around this issue, we will really appreciate it.



My name is Chibueze Nnoruka Okeke, but they know me as Tony. I’m from Nigeria



You from Nigeria. 






And you have been in South Africa before and done some work in South Africa with organizations that work with people who are trafficked. Can you tell us your story around how did you end up in South Africa? And how did you end up working with all these organizations?



First of all, when I was in Nigeria, I was playing football and I want to use football as my career. So my brother is already there in South Africa. I’m the one that sponsored him to travel to South Africa. So along the line, nothing is moving on in Nigeria, I decided to travel to Thailand to go and play football in Thailand. I called my brother and tell him that I wanted to travel to Thailand to go and play football. He now said to me – no need for me of going to Thailand. I should come to South Africa so that if there is any problem I have in South Africa, he will sort it out. Because for me going to Thailand I don’t know anybody there. From there I now agreed with him. He sent me some money that I use to complete the one I have in Nigeria to start to processing my documents. After that, I get visa I travel to South Africa. He is the one that received me, my younger brother.



So how were you? 


Tony: Now?



No, how old were you when you came to South Africa?



So I travelled in 2011 that was 31 years. 



31 years?



Yes, I think 31 years



So you’re basically you were passionate about soccer and you wanted to play soccer. And you spoke with your brother and then your brother suggested that you come to South Africa to pursue your career in soccer and then what happened?



He received me. I now go to his house, I now be with him, he now told me that I should not bother for me to play football rather, that I should start working with him in a club. That I should forget about playing football. So luckily for me in the streets, I met somebody that is playing football he took me to where they are playing football. I now went for a screening. I passed the screening; they tell me I only play one season. So they won that win the trophy they call it Winter Cup 2012. So after that the club started having problem within themselves before you know it the club now dissolve. I now came back to my brother and beg him and then he more than say that they cannot do anything that what he will do for me is for me to agree to come and join him to do the business that he was doing. 



Did you know what kind of a business your brother was talking about?



Yes, I know the business but it is only one business that I know. 






Until I now came into the business. I now noticed the real business that he was doing. So I now join him in the business. He was doing drug business and prostitution business and drug clients. 

He teach me how to do the business, for three weeks. I now started my own. 



When you started, where you nervous? Where you scared? Or did you just jump into it? What was going through your mind when you brother was teaching you all of this stuff. And when you realized all these things, how were you feeling at that point?



That moment I was not feeling okay. But I don’t have any choice. Because it’s like, I’m not doing anything anymore. So I don’t have a choice than to join him to do the business so that I can be able to get money from there and after the decision for me to do the business with him. Because it took me two weeks to take that decision to do that business with him. Because it’s a very dangerous business.



So you didn’t just jump into it. You thought about it first before you did it.



Yes, yes – because I was thinking that is any other thing that I will do any new work or new business I would do because the business I don’t want to do it is not what brought me there in South Africa.



So you joined him and after he taught you – you started your own 



I started my own. He now go and bringthe white girl; and a black girl for me. 



Did you know who this girls were and where they came from and how they worked with you? Were they forced into working with you? Did you feel forced to do what you were doing? Or you just made a decision because you did not have a choice. 



Yes, I made a decision because I don’t have a choice. And those girls, I don’t know them. I don’t know where they come from.


PS: 2

Okay, so and then you started the business. And then from there, what happened? How long did you run the business? What were things that were happening in that business that made you realize this is not for me.



Okay, thank you so much. So many things. I want to cut this short. So many things happened to me in that business. In that business, I went to prison two times or three times – let me say three times. Then my white, my black girl brought the two clients in my flat. I now rob them. This is what I’m telling you now is what happened to make for me to decide to quit this business. What I am about to explain now. 



Okay, okay. 



She brought two white men in my flat – I rob them and I run away. Because there is a way we do the business, because if you don’t know the way they will kill you in that business. 



Okay, okay. 



Now she now run away but forgot that those people has gun. She forgot to let me know that those people have gun. So that if I’m coming upstairs I will come with my own gun. Now, I went inside the flat they now took the gun and point that gun on my head. I don’t know where am I when they put the gun in my head. They say that I’m working with that girl, I should provide that girl. That girl rob them. This is what they are telling me that the girl robbed them, that I should provide the girl. I’m working with that girl. If I don’t provide that girl, they would kill me there. I started begging them, begging them. Let them clam down, let them bring their gun down. They refuse. Do you know what? These people took me from the third floor to downstairs, trying to force me to go inside their vehicle I refused. All the African countries that were inside the complex, that we are staying, gathered. But did you know what? Nobody came to rescue me, in that incident. Nobody came close to rescue me or even ask them what going on here. Nobody. Everybody was watching as if we are acting film. So luckily for me one of them now kicked me from the back and so that opportunity I had that time I used it and gripped the gun. We started dragging the gun, we dragging the gun, we now further all of us further. I was dragging the gun. I was hearing a voice in our own language that; my brother is coming with the police – my brother is coming with the police. I should not allow them to collect that gun from me. Finally I collected the gun from them, I now used the gun and injured two of them. And collected the remaining money they have in their pocket. Before my brother now arrived with the police. I had to hand over the gun to the police. They said that, what happened? That the gun did not release. 

I said that, I don’t know – Maybe its God. 


yeah, yeah



So the police told me I should go with them, so that I will be able to open a case and bring them in. I said police, that I don’t want to open any case. Take them to police station open case by yourself – I am okay. I am free, whatever happen to me – I thank God. They now took them to the police station. From that moment I now take a decision that from today, I will stop this business, I will not do it again. My black girl said to me, even she – she wanted to stop doing the business. She doesn’t want to continue that business again. 



So you realized that how dangerous the business was? And that is what made you change your mind about being involved in the business 


yes, yes


So yes, you can continue. What happened after that?



So many things have been happening to me in that business. Then after that one night, is like after two days, my girl now told me that I should not go out. Let her go and make plan because we are struggling now for house rent its end of the month. I say okay she now go out I take about out – like 3, 4, 5 minutes. I just feel like I should come out and just see what’s going on outside. I just come outside the gate; I saw my girl with a group of people that I don’t know. So I now came close, I was shouting to her, “Who are they? Are they clients?” because I needed money. So she said to me, no! They are not clients, they are preaching the word of God: I said wow. 






I came close and I met one Nigerian women her name is Anne Abok and Mariet. And Anne ´s husband Alex Abok. And some other people that were with them that night. They are now telling me that they are here for outreach, they are preaching the people – trying to change that whoever really want to come out in the business. They will help that person to come out. 


Just to ask you



I said wow, I was talking this to my mum. 


So have you been praying about this opportunity, to change – before it happened. Was it something that you were thinking about? Was that something that you were praying to God to make a way for you to get out off or is it something that happened accidently. 


Yes, yes


So where you a Christian?



Yes, yes – you know I am cutting everything short. Yes, yes the day that I took a decision that I would not do the business again I was praying to God to provide people that will help me out in this business. People that take me out of this business. People that I can be able to remove me from the bondage. Because I have been into bondage that moment, but I don’t know what I am doing. 


Yes, yes, yes



So this women was telling me that if I can be able to come out of this business they will help me out. I said to my mind – this people are God sent to me. They now took me to McDonald; we are in McDonald.


And how did your brother feel about it?


My brother don’t know anything about it that moment.


Wow, okay


Because I just met them that night. So after we finished that night, we now changed contacts. From there we started communicating. Maybe every week, they normally come and visit me in McDonald. I would come to MC Donald and be with them – they would preach the word of God for me. Anything they have they would use and support me. They’ll even be there I’ll say ‘go and come back.’ So one day, it took me one year – I said to them; today I am giving my life to Christ. 





I want to give my life to Christ, today, today. This is how I give my life to Christ. That day. Immediately I give my life to Christ, my life changed automatically. Its like something came out of my body. 


So they walked the journey with you for a year before you give your life to God and you gave up completely and you stepped out of the business? 


Yes, yes. 



And then what happened after that?

Now, after that Anne Abok and the Marit connected me with people they called “Stop Trafficking”. Karin send me to a training that I did they call it “Home Management”. After the Home Management they sent me to do coaching school. I went to do coaching school. From there they connected me with A21. People they call A21.


Yes, I know them


A21 now removed me from the complex that I was staying and take me into Belhar. There is a place they call Belhar.  They went there to pay house rent for me for one year, house rent. They now supported me from everything that I have been doing in South Africa. It’s that time that I realized that its now that I came to South Africa. Because I was a changed person in that moment. Even police cannot chase me again. If they see me, they already know that I am not the business again. 



And what happened to your girlfriend and the other girls that you were working with? And the other people that you were working with? You know when they saw that you were changing your life what happened to them? 

I am coming that side. 


Okay, let’s go there. 

I am coming that side, I am coming that side. Now, A21 now gave me a house for 1 year and supported me in so many ways. Now I have to tell Anne and Maarit that now I am a coach. Let me use sports and bringing people that do that business out of the bondage. 




They now said okay, that is so true. They now buy a football for me. There is a place that we normally play football. I now started using that place as my own stadium. From there I now calling them, that I have started a sports ministry, who ever is interested should come and join me and there are some program that I am working on. For anybody that is interested should come and join me. Before we knew it we were now more then 20 or 30 boys. 




So many people come out of that business in that moment. God used me and brought out so many people out of that business when I was in South Africa. Now, my girl tell me that she wants to come out too.





I now connected her to Salome. Salome have to come and met her to talk to her, so that they plan how she will take her to a rehab. 

Yes, yes, yes



So they take her to a rehab with Anne Abok to Worcester. She stayed a month and came back, she couldn’t finish it up. A21 did their own, they sent her. So the last one because I really wanted to bring this girl out before I travel to Nigeria, because that time A21 has been processing my documents for me to go to Nigeria. So I was trying to do my best to bring that girl out of the business before I will able to travel. I don’t even want that girl again on my side, because I have take her two good times to a rehab and she run away. So after a while somebody now called me on phone that he saw my girl that wherever she is, she is getting mad. I tell that guy because I was coming from A21 to Bellville, and I said  the guy “tell my girl to come … where we normally enter to … before I reach there, I met my girl, when I met her I was so so so sad. Everybody was looking me and her. My girl was like a mad girl. I took her to my house, I have to call Salome – Salome is the first person that I call. Salome has to come that night I can never forget that. Salome has to drive to come and to take this girl to hospital in that night. I go with them, after we go to hospital – I don’t know what happened. It’s like Salome don’t want to tell me what really happened but all I know is that I really want that girl to be okay. 


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes



We now came back to house. Salome now told me that she is coming tomorrow to pick her. I think after that day the next day they now come and pick the girl and carry some of her things and go. Because the girl told me that night, that she will never disappoint me for this last time again. She was crying. But she cannot able to speak well, she cannot speak well, but what she was, the way she was talking or doing I know was she was talking about. Salome now came and take the girl her name is X they took her to rehab. This is how X came out from the streets. 





This is how X stopped smoking. 



So you, from your side you saw the responsibility of rescuing other people from the business because you were also rescued from the business. You realize that free people free people and healed people heal people. You saw that you need to rectify your mistakes by doing to others what happened to you? And with that, I just want to say thank you so much for taking the responsibility as a man to realize your mistake and not blame anybody but take it as a responsibility to go back and say, You know what, what can I do with this pain because a lot of people, they go through stuff like this and they get paralyzed and they don’t see the purpose and the plan of God in them. And I love that you saw God’s purpose in it but also, you saw your passion and use your passion as wanting to be a soccer player to rescue other boys. Like did that become a ministry for you? After your time with A21 and the rehab. 





Did you just start a ministry after that? What happened?



Yes, I started a ministry in South Africa before I came back to Nigeria. So, Alex Abok started where I stopped. He is the one that’s controlling them but you know, something that you started is different. Something that you know that your own is totally different then somebody will now come over. So the people that Alex was working with where so angry that I am not around. They were asking when I am coming back. Because they really need me; you know. They really need me for me to be able to convince them more. So that some of them really want to come out, but they don’t have any options. They don’t have any options. So that’s a problem. Many of them are facing there.



I just want to say that the reason why they wanted you is because you were the example of what can happen. If you choose to follow God if you choose to change your life. Sometimes people like myself, will speak about something, but we don’t have the experience of it. And experience gives you the authority to change people. So I think what you had is that people trusted you. You had a relationship with people. Because of that relationship you were able to influence, because you cannot influence people without relationship. So I think your ministry was built around friendship and relationship and because of that, you became a shepherd that smelled like sheep and what I mean by that is that you were with the people you know and you were an example. You are not just reading from a book you were street smart. You know their life and people who change systems are people who have lived through the system. And I think you were the key person to change the system because you have lived in the system and that’s why they wanted you. So you were that example, you know, and with that example, you carry something we call it authority, which is something very special to have. So you went back to Nigeria. What happened when you went back to Nigeria? What did you do? When you get to Nigeria?



Wow, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Why I came back to Nigeria because the day I was celebrating my birthday with A21. They now ask me about my age.  And my age in my passport is not my real age. It’s my football age that I use in that moment. I have to say them the truth, because I know that I have repent– I am a child of God. 



Yes, yes, yes, yes. 



I don’t need to lie for anything. So because they want to make sure that they gave me working permit over there. But because I tell them the truth that that age in my passport is not my real age. They’re now asking me, can I go to Nigeria to issue another one? So that one will have my real age? I said to them, yes, I will do that. This is how they started processing my document for me to travel back to Nigeria and go and issue another one, so that I will able to go to do applications and get another visa to come back to South Africa. They now did that for me. I now go back to Nigeria. Now I issued another one. Went to South Africa Ambassy in Nigeria, me and Anne Abok. To submit. We have submit good three times they did not issue us visa. Anne Abok now asked, why they did not want to issue us visas. They now said, that they don’t issue Nigerian Visa again. But before that they told her that I will stay 5 years in Nigeria before they will be able to issue me a visa. 5 years have gone, I have asked and did another application – is from there that they are telling her that they don’t issue us visas anymore. That South Africa Government has put a law that no Nigerian should issue a visa again to come to South Africa



Do you think it’s because of the stereotypes that people think of Nigerians. That Nigerians are scammers, they are this, they are blood, drugs and all those things. Do you think those are the reasons why South Africa made that law? Was it based on those allegations or those assumptions? What do you think why they made that law?



Yeah, why? Why they made that law is because of what Nigeria is doing over there. It’s getting too much. It looks like South African government, they cannot be able to control it. Is like Nigeria is more than LBJ. That’s why they put that law. No, Nigeria should issue a visa anymore for now.



So what do you what do you think you can do as a Nigerian to change the mindsets of South Africans when it comes to how they see Nigerians? What will you say? You know, what responsibility or what needs to be done to change that mindset? Because I don’t always like thinking that Nigerians are like this and bla bla bla because, you know, you my brothers and sisters and we live in the same continent and we should be welcoming to one another. But I also understand that you know, you can’t come into somebody’s house and mess up their house. As a guest you need to you need to be a guest, you need to live according to the law of the country. But what would you like to say to maybe Nigerians who are in the country and not doing good things? What does it do to the image of Nigeria and Nigerians? What do you think can be done to change it?



You know this thing now that is happening in South Africa it’s not today it started. It started, it started years back ago. And Its Nigeria and Cameroon, they are the ones that started this Nigeria and Cameroon they are the one that started this business years back ago. Now one thing I don’t like where Nigeria is, is that anywhere they are, they must create awareness which is very very bad, they must make sure that people knows that they are Nigerians and they are the one doing the real business in here, here in this country.


Yeah, yeah. 



Plus people they know that Nigeria and South Africa, they have good relationship nothing can be done about that. So this thing now to stop, let me cut this short, for (this thing to stop inaudible) is what South Africa did now is the best thing they did. For them to stop giving Nigerians Visa, because there is something that I want to add on it, before you issue a Nigerian visa to South Africa you must make sure that South Africa Embassy must sure, what and what is making that person to go to South Africa. What that person is going to do there (inaudible) for you to investigate before you issue that person visa and follow it up. Yeah this is how, yes follow it up, this is how, we call it follow up if you are doing evangelist or door to door is follow up. Is what we call it follow up. This is what Anne Abok and her team did to me they follow me until they win my soul, until I give my life to Christ.



Ja, ja



Do you know, do you know that there is a need, there is a need now Nigerians smuggling into South Africa.





Which is very very bad. So this is how yet this is how we call it follow up if you are doing this or door to door. This is what this is what above and we still have to do to me they follow me up. The wind might stop or delay I did my blood to cry. Now do you know Do you know the app that is a bit that is a mix now materials smoking into South Africa which is funded by the likes of Africa government we know that therefore continent to commence is likely they will work with the government in the winner. Stop Nigerians to start coming. They win we now find another alternative.



What are you doing around in Nigeria to prevent or stop boys from being trafficked or be used in prostitution as pimps or you know, into drugs like what are you doing now in Nigeria to advocate you know, and prevent people from falling into the trap that we’re in.



Now, while I’m in Nigeria? I have started working with another sports ministry here in Nigeria. I have a very serious sports ministry in Nigeria here. Very, very serious sports ministry here in Nigeria. I’m using the way I using it when I was in South Africa using it here in Nigeria to winning their souls through the sports because I have realized that so many of us want to play football. Some of them don’t have choice to travel wherever they promise them to travel. But along the line they don’t know that they are trafficked, they are doing them trafficking so I help many of them here with me, so many of them has changed their life. Many of them had to walk in earning small, small money to sustaining their self. I’m still have some of them that I’m still working with. I agree that they will soon come out from it. Also, I said I said good, I say good



that’s amazing. I’m so glad that



So I work with MCAHT, this one they call MCAHT, yes MCAHT. Media campaign against human trafficking. I’m a Speaker of Ambassador what I’m was I’m a full start. Salome knows about that



So I mean, I love your story. And I appreciate that. You know what so many things happen in your life. You came to South Africa not knowing that you are going to go into this business with your brother, and all of a sudden you experience all this violence and exploitation and then the next minute you know, you meet this amazing people and you give your love to the Lord and these people disciple to you and mentor you and help you get out of you know, human trafficking and the next minute you go back and you rescue other people from human trafficking and again, using your passion, you know to stop and prevent people from falling into this trap and now you are in your country doing the same thing. So I’m so very I’m very grateful that you find a purpose in using what happened to you to help other people and in South Africa. I mean, you know that there’s three things that run the street you know, sex, drugs, and money. You know, and it’s almost the same thing with gangsterism in South Africa it’s designed, or, you know, the same tactics that we use in human trafficking are also used gangsterism. You know, that’s how a lot of young boys get recruited into gangsterism is through those things. But I just want to, you know, just to close, you know, is there any piece of advice that you would like to give to any young person out there who’s passionate about soccer because sometimes we get this funny messages on our phones, that you know what, you have won so much money. You need to meet with us in this place you need to come to my country and then blah, blah, blah and then you will get a job. You know, what, what would you like to say to young people who are desperate about not falling into the trap of human trafficking, what is it that you would like to say to them so that they stay out?



You know, we as a Nigeria, we are too greedy to anything that we are doing you need to get enough before you can be able to go out for meat. But along the line you will say that one that you have is not enough. You will need to move forward and see whether you will add the one that you have to make it more so that that’s where we normally have problems. I’m talking about Nigerians because Nigeria is the only country that giving South Africa government headache. So, what are we saying to you over there both man, both women that enter the business already. If, I don’t know, if there is anyone can be able to volunteer himself or herself to going out of the streets, because this people need to be contained in this thing because that person cannot come out from the business that she’s doing or his doing with any support. It will be mess, for that person, that person must go back into what his doing. Just imagine when I was doing business along the line, I came out when I came out, I now receiving supporting and that supporting I was receiving make me to be strong that I will not go back to business. So this is what they need. To do. Or, or to use that in the streets. Whoever that is serious to come out must have support. Even that person need to do any training, any training to have a certificate. So that’s he can use the certificate to get a job its fine. Than person to come out and say, ”I know its not good” I pleased to own each and every one that can be able to come out into the street because what I’m telling you now is what I, is what I’m doing and I went to traveling to doing it because I have travelled to Togo, to Bennett winning souls. I have gone back but I don’t have any sponsor, any support that can make me to travelling out to winning souls. Because I have been, I have the experience already within me. Something has happened to me. So when I’m talking to that particular person, that’s what you are into. I’m into it, I’m now, I’m out.



I mean from our side in South Africa, we want to say thank you. Because I know your life has changed a lot of people’s lives and it has prevented a lot of things from happening in this country. I mean, I work with homeless people, I work with gangsters. I know what you mean when you talk about consistency. That once you start working with somebody you need to work with them until they get out of their situation. So I appreciated that you were willing to do the hard work and get out of the place that you were in. But you also went back to help other people come out. So thank you for taking the responsibility to rescue your brothers and your sisters and I believe that God will reward you in the work that you are doing so so from ourselves in South Africa, we want to say thank you and we don’t want to paint every Nigerian with the same brush and say Nigerians are bad people. I think people are hurting and when they are hurting, they become greedy and when they become greedy, they exploit people. But I think I’m thankful that you chose to heal because healed people heal people, free people, free people. So thank you for freeing your brothers and sisters and I pray that even after you you will disciple other people to do the work that you are doing, that you will be an example that God will open doors for you to go to different countries so that you can speak because like I said, You carry authority that Phineas doesn’t have because you have been through, you know what you’re talking about. So I pray that God will open more doors for you that will speak with more and more people will get out of this trap of human trafficking, this trap of gangsterism, this trap of prostitution, this trap of drugs and abuse. So so so there’s an anointing on your life. There’s a calling on your life to continue to do what you’re doing. And from our side we want to say thank you for part of healing this land and using your gifts as a soccer player to to get more boys out of out of out of trafficking. So from myself, I want to say thank you, and we hope to catch up again and have more conversations about this issue because I know a lot of people have a lot of questions right now. You know, but from my side I just want to say not all Nigerians are bad people. There’s just a few people who are bad and trying to mess up the world. But we believe that even these people we think are bad they can be used, you know they can be loved, to help other people get out of the situation that they were in. And you are testimony of that that nobody’s too messed up. Nobody’s too lost. Nobody’s too broken to get out of a bad situation. So thank you for being that example. And we hope we can catch up again and talk again, about more issues especially with the gangsterism. I would like to talk with you about how gangsterism is connected to human trafficking, and how we use the same tactics to keep people trapped, you know, in exploitation, in abuse. So from myself, my brother, thank you. I don’t know if you have any last words.



Yes, yes, not only Nigeria that, doing the business, so many African country in South Africa is doing the business but what annoyed me is Nigeria almost exposing their own. That’s why South Africa government is calling only Nigeria. They are always exposing it; they are creating awareness cause anybody they touch is Nigerian. Anybody they touch in South Africa is a Nigeria.



thank you for changing the stereotypes, thank you for changing the narrative. Thank you for being part of the solution when it comes to this issue. And for myself, a lot of respect to you. And God bless you and your family and your ministry.



Dear friends and key stakeholders. Thank you for joining us on today’s podcast. Our aim and heart for these podcasts is to raise awareness about human trafficking, and to highlight the atrocity of this crime is to humanity. A reminder that human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry, which is sadly the fastest growing worldwide and second biggest crime after drugs. It is far more organized than many care to believe. We invite you to join hands in fighting against human trafficking. Follow us on our social media pages at  on Instagram and on Facebook. Forward slash free to fly Zed a do check out our website at to sign up to be a volunteer or donate towards the building and running of our safe house for children who have come out of human trafficking. For those of you who do not know free to fly is an organization that is currently starting up the first safe house in South Africa for children who have been rescued from human trafficking. Our heart is to run a holistic, trauma informed survivor informed program that will facilitate this journey of healing. Please follow our journey on our website. Till next time, take care and be sure to share and listen out for the next podcast. Thanks friends. Friends to fly can’t be held liable about the content of our podcast.