Free to Fly will be a residential programme for girls, of school-going age, who have been victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

We plan to run a holistic, trauma-informed, survivor informed programme that will facilitate this journey of healing. Our programmes will be directed at inner-healing, holistic child development, education and reintegration.
The programmes will be run and facilitated in a safe environment with carefully selected personnel. Our desire is that as each girl tailors her journey she will come to a point where she is equipped, empowered and restored, and able to successfully reintegrate back into community life outside of Free to Fly.

All our programmes will be run and facilitated in a safe environment with personnel who meet the criteria to work with children.


The children in our care will not be hindered in life through lack of education. We will endeavour to teach the school curricula for the relevant grade they are in, as well as provide home work support. For children with special needs we will provide an individual support plan to help them achieve their best.

Inner healing

The children in our care will be nurtured and guided through the processing of their trauma, towards experiencing inner-healing. Our holistic approach will include Counselling, Prayer Ministry, Movement, Body Work and other creative interventions. Their individual therapy plans will include medical care and drug rehabilitation as needed.


The children in our care will be equipped spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually to embrace a full , healthy and whole life. Our programmes will focus on general health and wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing as well as physical wellbeing. Medical care will be given where necessary.


Our desire is that the children in our care will be prepared for, and assisted with a good transition back into their community and a different environment. This process will be facilitated by our social worker and government departments, and in close co-operation with our residents’ families where applicable. After-care and follow-up will be a natural part of the process.

As we prepare for the Christmas season, have you considered what to give your loved ones — or even yourself?
How about blessing someone with a R100 Campaign sign-up for Free To Fly? By partnering a R100 per month, you can help strengthen the vital work Free To Fly is doing to protect and restore lives.